Windows 10

Windows 10 build 18995 est disponible en téléchargement, quoi de neuf ?

A l’occasion du Week End, Microsoft publie une nouvelle construction de Windows 10 20H1. Elle apporte des améliorations, des corrections de bug et quelques nouveautés.

Windows 10 build 18995 est disponible sur l’anneau rapide du programme Windows Insider. Microsoft introduit des changements dans le système d’authentification de son système d’exploitation. L’identification par code PIN en mode sans échec est désormais activée.

Ceci simplifie considérablement le processus. Actuellement si vous redémarrez votre appareil en mode sans échec, le seul moyen de vous connecter au bureau consiste à fournir le mot de passe de votre compte. Si l’identifiant est long la méthode n’est pas vraiment pratique et l’option PIN accélère le processus.

A ce sujet Dona Sarkar, chef du programme Windows Insider explique.

« Nous allons encore plus loin dans notre parcours sans mot de passe en ajoutant la prise en charge de la connexion Windows Hello PIN au mode sans échec, afin que vous n’ayez plus besoin de votre mot de passe pour dépanner votre appareil. »

Windows 10 build 18995, diverses améliorations

Il existe plusieurs autres améliorations et corrections de bugs. La liste des changements et nouveautés est disponible en fin d’article.

Microsoft corrige par exemple un bug à l’origine d’un mauvais avertissement de compte. Le journal des modifications indique

« Certaines améliorations ont été apportées pour résoudre un problème. Certains utilisateurs voyaient souvent une notification indiquant que leur compte devait être corrigé. Cependant la page des paramètres qui s’était ouverte indiquait qu’aucune action n’était nécessaire.»

A cela s’ajoute des améliorations autour de l’expérience de recherche. Un patch corrige une défaillance de son écran (contenu vide) tandis qu’une erreur lors d’une tentative d’impression est corrigée.

Nous sommes dans le contexte du programme Windows Insider si bien que cette build 18995 s’accompagne de problèmes connus et non corrigés. Par exemple la recherche dans le Panneau de configuration ou dans l’Explorateur de fichiers est problématique.  La zone peut devenir grise si bien qu’aucune requête peut être précisée.

Note de version

General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
  • We’ve made some improvements to address an issue resulting in some users frequently seeing a notification saying their account needed to be fixed, but the Settings page that opened showed no action was necessary.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders seeing error 0x80242016 when trying to upgrade.
  • We fixed an issue where you might be prompted to fix something before you could update, but the dialog with what to fix didn’t display the issue that needed fixing.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in the mouse cursor unexpectedly showing up in screenshots in recent builds.
  • We fixed an issue impacting reliability of taking screenshots with WIN+Shift+S / Snip & Sketch.
  • We fixed an issue where, if you started a snip from Snip & Sketch by pressing New and had “automatically copy to clipboard” enabled, the first initial copy might be blank.
  • We fixed an issue where the Action Center might be visible in screenshots recently if you started them by pressing the Screen Snip quick action.
  • We fixed an issue for multi-mon devices that could cause random crashes in UWP apps when switching focus between monitors.
  • We fixed a high hitting DWM crash from the last few flights.
  • We fixed an issue in recent flights that resulted in Skype unexpectedly closing the first time it was launched and you tried to sign in.
  • We’ve updated our File Explorer context menu logic, so if you right-click on a .HEIC image file, you’ll now have the option to Print or Set as Desktop Background, as you can with other image file types.
  • We fixed an issue where you might need to invoke the File Explorer context menu twice before the option to create a new Text Document would appear.
  • We’ve made some improvements to help address an issue where search may appear blank.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in some users seeing a 0x000007D1 when trying to print.
  • We fixed an issue where the publisher information was unexpectedly blank for some apps in App Settings.
  • We fixed an issue where the Windows Update information in the Settings header could be out of date.
  • We fixed an issue where turning Bluetooth off then back on while a Bluetooth audio device was paired could take an unexpectedly long time.
  • We fixed a crash when adding devices in Devices Settings.
  • We fixed an issue where the ImmGetVirtualKey function wasn’t returning VK_PROCESSKEY even if an IME was enabled.
  • We fixed an issue where pressing space to enter selected word with the Changjie IME when using the touch keyboard might not work.
  • We fixed a ctfmon.exe crash when using the Japanese IME if reconversion was triggered with a partial selection.
  • We fixed an issue where ctfmon.exe would crash if you attempted to use dictation from the touch keyboard in certain apps.
  • We fixed an issue impacting Windows Ink Workspace reliability.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in pinned websites icons in the taskbar sometimes unexpectedly switching from their actual icon to the default browser icon.
  • We fixed an issue where calendar events created from the taskbar clock and calendar flyout wouldn’t have a default 15min reminder set.
  • We fixed an issue where if the taskbar changed scale enough times while an IME was active, it would lead to the input indicator disappearing from the taskbar.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in transparent/invisible app thumbnails in snap assist when snapping an app to the side when in tablet mode.
  • We fixed an issue where Task View would display that the navigation pane of certain apps was expanded, even if it was actually collapsed.
  • We’ve improved Magnifier performance when using touch.
  • We’ve updated our logic, Magnifier UI will now show properly when alt-tabbing if Magnifier was minimized originally.
  • We’ve fixed a few small issues with the Text cursor indicator page in Settings.
  • We fixed an issue where, when using the text cursor indicator, you might unexpectedly see a focusable Eoaexperiences.exe app running in the taskbar.
  • We’ve improved the reading of email when objects such as images are embedded in the message while using Narrator to remove the repeating of information while moving through the content.
  • We fixed a bug in Narrator where the link sound did not play in certain scenarios.
  • We fixed an issue with older drivers showing as available for download. If you continue to see older drivers in the Option updates section of Windows Update, please let us know.

Known issues

  • There has been an issue with older versions of anti-cheat software used with games where after updating to the latest 19H1 Insider Preview builds may cause PCs to experience crashes. We are working with partners on getting their software updated with a fix, and most games have released patches to prevent PCs from experiencing this issue. To minimize the chance of running into this issue, please make sure you are running the latest version of your games before attempting to update the operating system. We are also working with anti-cheat and game developers to resolve similar issues that may arise with the 20H1 Insider Preview builds and will work to minimize the likelihood of these issues in the future.
  • Certain 2D apps (like Feedback Hub, Microsoft Store, 3D Viewer) are incorrectly being treated as having protected content within Windows Mixed Reality. During video capture, these 2D apps block their content from being recorded.
  • When capturing a repro video while filing a bug via Feedback Hub in Windows Mixed Reality, you won’t be able to select Stop video, due to the protected content issue noted above. If you want to submit a repro video, you will need to wait 5 minutes for the recording to time out. If you’d like to file the bug without a repro video, you can close the Feedback Hub window to end the recording and resume filing your bug when you reopen the app in Feedback > Drafts.
  • When using the Search bar in either Control Panel or File Explorer, the box becomes grey and prevents input. We’ve identified the cause, and we’re working on a fix for a future flight.
  • Devices configured for dual scan (WSUS and Windows Update) for updates may not be offered new builds in the Fast ring. Selecting Check online for updates from Microsoft Update will scan for updates, but may return with the message, “Your device is up to date.” We’re working on a fix for a future flight.
  • Some devices configured to Use HDR may experience a bluish tint on their HDR displays after using Night Light. We have identified the cause, and we are working on a fix for an upcoming build.
  • Theme packs downloaded from the Microsoft Store fail to apply.
  • Starting with the previous flight, some Insiders may find that Settings doesn’t launch from the button in Start, isn’t listed in the All apps list, or as a search result. If you are impacted, pressing WIN+R and inputting “ms-settings:” (without the quotes) will launch Settings if you need it.
  • After successfully updating to a new build, the Windows Update Settings page may show the same build needs to install. You can verify the build was successfully installed by checking the build number in the corner of the screen or going to Win+R, typing winver, and confirming the build number. We have identified the cause of this issue, and we’re working on a fix for a future flight.
Jérôme Gianoli

Aime l'innovation, le hardware, la High Tech et le développement durable. Soucieux du respect de la vie privée.

Publié par
Jérôme Gianoli
Tags: Microsoft

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