Windows 10

Windows 10 build 20226 introduit une surveillance de l’état de santé des SSD NVMe

Microsoft vient de publier une nouvelle construction de Windows 10, la build 20226. Elle débarque dans la cadre du programme Insider et s’adresse aux utilisateurs inscrit sur le canal Dev.

Elle propose une importante nouveauté. Elle concerne le stockage et plus particulièrement la technologie SSD. Le géant du logiciel introduit une surveillance de l’état de santé de l’unité de stockage afin de protéger en amont sécurité des données.

Plus précisément, les utilisateurs de Windows 10 recevront une notification en cas de problème supposé.

Notification concernant l’état de santé d’une unité SSD NVMe – Windows 10

Elle affichera un message de type

« un périphérique de stockage a peut-être un risque de défaillance et nécessite votre attention »

Redmond explique de son coté

“Tenter de récupérer des données après une panne de lecteur est à la fois frustrant et coûteux. Cette fonctionnalité est conçue pour détecter les anomalies matérielles des SSD NVMe et informer les utilisateurs avec suffisamment de temps afin qu’ils puissent agir. Il est fortement recommandé aux utilisateurs de sauvegarder immédiatement leurs données après avoir reçu une notification.”

Il sera possible d’avoir plus d’information en se rendant  à l’adresse suivante (un clic sur la notification est suffisant)

Settings -> System -> Storage -> Manage disks and volumes -> Properties

Bilan de l’état de santé d’une unité SSD NVMe – Windows 10

Windows 10 build 20226, plus de synchronisation des thèmes

En parallèle à cette nouveauté, nous avons droit à plusieurs améliorations et corrections de bugs. Tous les détails sont disponibles en fin d‘article

Il est important de noter un changement concernant la synchronisation des thèmes. Elle ne sera plus activée par défaut dans le système d’exploitation.

” Nous commençons à déployer un changement qui désactivera la synchronisation des thèmes. Dans ce cadre, vous ne verrez plus « Thème » comme une option dans synchroniser vos paramètres, et les modifications apportées à votre arrière-plan ne seront pas synchronisées entre les appareils. Si vous avez utilisé la synchronisation de thèmes, lors de la configuration d’un nouveau PC ou d’un nouveau compte, il y aura un téléchargement unique de l’arrière-plan de bureau synchronisé enregistré à cette adresse %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\WallpaperBackup si vous avez besoin d’y accéder.”

Windows 10 build 20226 est disponible dès maintenant au travers du canal Dev. L’OS est téléchargeable à partir de Windows Update.

Note de version

Changes and Improvements

  • We’re starting to roll out a change that will turn off theme syncing. As part of that, you will no longer see “Theme” as an option in Sync your settings, and changes made to your background will not sync across device. If you have been using theme synchronization, when setting up a new PC or account there will be a one-time download of the last saved synchronized desktop background to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\WallpaperBackup if you need to access it.
  • Thanks for your patience – after making some reliability improvements, we’re re-enabling the ability for Notepad windows to persist update and restarts (if “Restart apps” is enabled in Sign-in Settings).
  • When you have a PWA installed from Microsoft Edge, Task Manager will now correctly display it under Applications instead of Background Processes in the Processes tab, and will show the app icon associated with the PWA.
  • We’re updating File Explorer so that if you right-click on a zipped OneDrive file that was set to online-only, you’ll now see an Extract All option, same as if the file was available locally on the PC.
  • We’re updating the new DNS options in Settings to make a static DNS entry required when entering a static IP, and to make gateway not a required field.
  • We’re updating the N’Ko keyboard layout so that pressing Shift + 6 will now insert ߾ (U+07FE ) and pressing Shift + 7 will now insert ߿ (U+07FF).


  • We’ve resolved an issue resulting in Settings crashing for some Insiders when opening Manage Disks and Volumes.
  • We fixed an issue affecting Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 distros where users can receive the error: “The remote procedure call failed” on startup. See this GitHub issue for more details.
  • We fixed an issue where activating Speech Recognition under Ease of Access in Settings was unexpectedly requiring admin permissions.
  • We fixed an issue where after turning off “Drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop”, and opening Task View, the drop shadows would unexpectedly reappear.
  • We fixed an issue where pressing F7 in the File Explorer search box would bring up a dialog asking to enable caret browsing.
  • We fixed an issue where Focus Assist was considering Screensaver to be a full screen app and suppressing notifications when it was running.
  • We fixed an issue impacting explorer.exe reliability for some Insiders in the last few flights.
  • We fixed an issue where some of the apps in the Windows Accessories folder in Start’s all apps list would unexpectedly display the name Windows Accessories when pinned to the Start menu in recent builds.
  • We fixed an issue impacting taskbar performance and reliability on 2-in-1 convertible devices.
  • We fixed a few issues impacting Action Center reliability.
  • We fixed a couple of issues impacting Settings reliability.
  • We fixed an issue where the Settings icon was unexpectedly small when pinned to the Start menu and using the small tile size.
  • We fixed an issue in Touchpad Settings where the header for the Taps section was unexpectedly missing in the last few flights.
  • We fixed an issue with Meet Now resulting in the flyout crashing if you pressed the Esc key while it was open.
  • We fixed an issue that if Meet Now was opened before opening a jumplist from the taskbar, then ShellExperienceHost would crash.
  • We’ve made some fixes to improve accessibility of the Meet Now flyout, including updating the tab order, marking the image so it’s not read out by Narrator, adjusting the contrast of the buttons, making the arrow keys navigate between the buttons, and fixing an issue where focus wasn’t returning to the previous location in the taskbar after pressing the Esc key.
  • We fixed an issue from the last few flights resulting in some apps failing to install, citing a lack of internet connectivity, when IPV6 was enabled.
  • We fixed an issue with the new DNS options in Network Settings where switching back from a custom DNS to automatic would result in a loss of connectivity.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to insert the full-width question mark when typing with the Pinyin IME in recent builds.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in the Japanese IME crashing on initialization.
  • We fixed two issues with the Bopomofo IME impacting Shift and Ctrl key usage in apps when the IME was active.
  • We fixed an issue with the Turkish one-handed touch keyboard layout, where it was missing keys for ü and ö.
  • We fixed an issue when using the Japanese touch keyboard layout that could result in the spacebar UI appearing stuck in a pressed state.

Known issues

  • We’re looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.
  • We’re working on a fix to enable live preview for pinned site tabs.
  • We’re working on enabling the new taskbar experience for existing pinned sites. In the meantime, you can unpin the site from the taskbar, remove it from the edge://apps page, and then re-pin the site.
  • We’re working on a fix for an issue where some Office applications crashing or missing after updating to a new build.
  • We’re working on a fix for an issue causing some devices experiencing a KMODE_EXCEPTION bugcheck when using certain virtualization technologies.
  • We’re working on a fix where some devices are experiencing a DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION bugcheck.
  • We’re investigating a bug where the vEthernet adapter in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 distros becomes disconnected after a period of use. For full details please follow this GitHub thread.
  • We’re working on a fix for an issue where after taking this build some users receive a Compatibility Assistant notification that “Microsoft Office is no longer available”. Despite the notification, Office should still be there and working fine.


Jérôme Gianoli

Aime l'innovation, le hardware, la High Tech et le développement durable. Soucieux du respect de la vie privée.

Publié par
Jérôme Gianoli

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