Windows 10

Windows 10 Build 20236 est disponible avec quelques nouveautés

Microsoft vient de mettre en ligne Windows 10 Build 20236. Le système d’exploitation est proposé aux utilisateurs inscrits sur le Canal DEV du programme Windows Insider.

Cette version introduit plusieurs nouveautés. La première était attendue et demandée depuis un bon moment. Elle concerne le réglage du taux de rafraichissement de l’écran. Désormais il n’est plus nécessaire de passer par les pilotes graphiques du constructeur.

Windows 10 et le réglage du taux de rafraichissement

L’option a été intégrée dans

Paramètres > Affichage > Paramètres d’affichage avancés.

En parallèle et visant tous les utilisateurs de Windows 10 depuis la version 1809, des améliorations sont proposées autour de modules de recherches. L’objectif est de rendre plus pertinent ce service.  La liste récente affiche désormais les quatre dernières requêtes recherchées et ouvertes. Cela inclus les applications, les fichiers, les paramètres et les URL de navigation directe. Il est possible de supprimer des éléments de cette liste et de désactiver cette fonctionnalité.

Windows 10 et le champ de recherche

En parallèle que des améliorations sont apportées au niveau de la prise en charge du format PDF par Narrateur et d’autres lecteurs.

Windows 10, une longue liste de corrections de bug

Enfin une longue liste de corrections de bug est aussi de la partie. Vous trouverez tous les détails en fin d’article.

A noter que nous sommes dans le cadre du programme Insider et plus particulièrement du Canal Dev.  Le système d’exploitation n’est donc pas parfait. En clair des problème connus et non corrigés sont là. Par exemple il est possible que certaines applications x86 ne s’installent pas. Le souci ne semble pas concerner les versions x64.

Note de version


  • We’ve fixed an issue where after taking recent builds some Insiders received an unexpected Compatibility Assistant notification that “Microsoft Office is no longer available”.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where some Office applications were crashing or missing after updating to a new build.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in the same app update installing repeatedly on the previous build.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where some devices are experiencing a DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION bugcheck
  • We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders experiencing an UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION in dxgkrnl.sys bugcheck in the last few builds.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in a 0x800F0247 error when installing driver updates.
  • \We fixed an issue that could result in sihost.exe crashing when trying to share an app via the Share option when right clicking a tile in Start.
  • We fixed an issue where if “Animate controls and elements inside windows” was turned off in Performance Options, dragging a tile to another tile group in Start would result in the dragged tile no longer responding to mouse click.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in Narrator sometimes reading out an incorrect number of nodes in File Explorer’s navigation pane (for example, saying 1 of 2 items, instead of 1 of 4 items).
  • \We fixed an issue that could result in the icon next to “Scan with Microsoft Defender” (when right clicking a file in File Explorer) being very small or large.
  • We fixed an issue where the icon next to “Scan with Microsoft Defender” when right clicking a file wasn’t updating to reflect high contrast when high contrast was enabled.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in File Explorer crashing when renaming a file.
  • We fixed an issue from recent builds resulting in clicking on items in Timeline not launching the corresponding app.
  • We fixed an issue from recent builds impacting certain apps with search boxes, where the search box would disappear when scrolling the app even if it was supposed to stay visible.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in intermittent connectivity loss when connecting to a PC via remote desktop connection, as a result of the connected PC attempting to sleep.
  • We fixed an issue where when using the windns.h API to discover services on the local network, the TTL value of the discovered service wasn’t used – instead using the default value of 120 seconds.
  • ]We fixed an issue where the “Listen to this device” checkbox state in microphone properties wasn’t persisted on upgrade and would revert to default.
  • We fixed an issue where adjusting volume also muted/unmuted when “App volume and device preferences” was open.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in the Network & Internet Settings Status page sometimes unexpectedly not showing all current connections.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in your cursor disappearing when typing into Command Prompt with a Chinese IME active.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in the touch keyboard sometimes not making any sounds while typing even though the setting to have sound while typing was enabled.
  • We fixed an issue where the French AZERTY touch keyboard layout was French keyboard is missing number hint labels on the A/Z keys, and the Select All/Undo labels were at the top instead of bottom.
  • We fixed an issue where the child keys on the Japanese 12-key touch keyboard layout weren’t following the updated key design.
  • We fixed an issue where Narrator was unexpectedly saying “Expressive Input Panel” when you touched a text candidate in the touch keyboard.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in the touch keyboard getting stuck in a suspended state after waking a PC from sleep, leading to it not invoking automatically when setting focus to a text field.
  • We fixed an issue with the updated touch keyboard design where when using Arabic the clipboard icon would appear on the wrong side of the copied text in the candidate bar.
  • We fixed an issue with the Thai touch keyboard layout, where the shift-state characters were placed in inconsistent locations on the keys.
  • We fixed an issue where when using the updated Emoji Panel design, Narrator wasn’t reading the category names in the Most Recently Used section.
  • We fixed an issue with the Emoji Panel when using Narrator, where after inserting an emoji, Narrator would then stay silent on navigating further to other emoji.
  • We fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to use the arrow keys to navigate through the gif section of the Emoji Panel.
  • We fixed some contrast issues in the updated Emoji Panel and touch keyboard expressive input area when using high contrast.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in the Voice Typing settings menu drawing off screen.
  • We fixed a regression that was breaking NVIDIA CUDA vGPU acceleration in the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Please see this GitHub thread for full details.

Known issues

  • We’re working on an issue where new applications will fail to install with a Windows Installer service error on x86 systems. Windows x64 isn’t affected.
  • We’re working on an issue where when attempting to perform a Reset this PC using the Keep My Files option will fail with the error, “There was a problem resetting your PC. No changes were made”.
  • We’re looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.
  • Live previews for pinned sites aren’t enabled for all Insiders yet, so you may see a grey window when hovering over the thumbnail in the taskbar. We’re continuing to work on polishing this experience.
  • We’re working on enabling the new taskbar experience for existing pinned sites. In the meantime, you can unpin the site from the taskbar, remove it from the edge://apps page, and then re-pin the site.
  • We’re working on a fix for an issue causing some devices experiencing a KMODE_EXCEPTION bugcheck when using certain virtualization technologies.
  • We are working on a fix for an issue where selecting an IME candidate or hardware keyboard text prediction candidate may insert the candidate adjacent to the one selected.
  • We’re investigating an issue reported by some Insiders wherein the taskbar is obscuring the Power button in the Start menu. If this is happening on your PC, you may need to use the Windows key plus X menu to shutdown for the time being.
  • We’re investigating reports from some Insiders that they’re experiencing APC_INDEX_MISMATCH bugchecks.
  • [ADDED] We’re investigating GPU Compute scenarios, such as using CUDA and DirectML, not working inside of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
Jérôme Gianoli

Aime l'innovation, le hardware, la High Tech et le développement durable. Soucieux du respect de la vie privée.

Publié par
Jérôme Gianoli
Tags: Microsoft

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